Hello Friends,

Each week I pull 3 cards from a deck I am drawn to for the weekly reading. These cards are to given so you might gain clarity and receive some Divinely inspired guidance in this weeks journey.

This week the Oracle cards come from Angel Answers by D. Virtue and R.Valentine. These cards are simple and to the point, that short and sweet or direct answer to your questions.

Right out of the gate, the Improving Health card tells us that your health or that of a loved one is improving and will continue to do so. This is a time to honour your health by continuing to make healthy choices, perhaps fast or remove toxic foods from your diet to foods that give you energy!

The second card that popped out is Helpful People and I love this card! This is a great time to be open to receive help, ask for help from others who can get you to where you want to be. It is a good time to network and open up your circle of friends to create that happiness you are seeking. On a work level, seek out the input from those who may have the experience to assist in getting the task or job done. This card simply says there will be people willing to help this week so Ask and Receive.

The Final Card- NO! It would seem like a slap in the face however it’s really telling us that some of the events we are seeking to happen this week will come just not this week. Timing is everything be open and know it will be perfect when it does happen.

Overall the message this week is short and sweet. Continue to take great care of your health by eliminating toxic foods from the diet, be open to inviting new people into your life as they may hold the answers to your happiness and ask for assistance. Your patience will be rewarded!

Have a fabulous week and be sure to share this with your friends and family. I would love to hear what happens for you this week.

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