Hello Friends!
Each week I pull 3 cards from a deck I am drawn to for the weekly reading. These cards are to given so you might gain clarity and receive some Divinely inspired guidance in this weeks journey.
My choice of deck this week is the Healing with the Angels. This deck was one of my first decks and it is highly energized with clarity messages. So let’s get to it!
Our first card is Surrender & Release and I can say it seems to be a real theme over the past few weeks. Clearing and letting go of everything, you might feel or ask “how can you do that?” or ” it might be easy for you but I can’t do that”, “what difference does it make?” Do you feel unhappy, stuck or overwhelmed? It is time to take a look around; decide to hang on as you are or release fears and begin to heal. When you hold on tightly to a part of your life that is not working, it leaves no room for healing. You may be unhappy in love, finances, career, home or health. The old saying;”you can’t keep doing the same things and expect and different outcome.” Know when you decide to be willing to open your hands and heart and allow the situation to be freed one of two things will occur: Either it will be washed away from you and replaced with a better situation or the situation will heal in a wonderful way. The Angels message when drawing this card is to try not to control the outcome, let go and let it come to you!
The second card is Playfulness is self explanatory and the Angels love to play and have fun! The message is very simple; add more fun to your life in regular doses! Fun and laughter makes it easier to accomplish your goals and tasks, it gives inspiration and energy to your life. Being playful is an investment that yields immediate returns. Know that; FUN IS A NECESSITY, RATHER THAN A LUXERY!
The third and final card drawn is Spiritual Growth means you are going through an amazing shift or a change in your process or how you see things. Perhaps you are feeling it in every cell in your body; excitement, confusion, clarity, fear or wonderment. You love the spiritual connection and want to learn more, yet how will this work into the rest of my life or impact my job, relationship or friendships? Take the time to explore, read, study, learn and meditate letting any worries you may have created about your future melt away. These worries may erode the enjoyment you are having with your spiritual learning and growing. Trust in yourself and that you are always supported, loved and guided by the Angels and your Spirit Guides; they have guided you along your spiritual path so far and will continue to take care of you.
Overall this weeks message looks like we are heading in a great direction! With even the smallest of changes we can shift our patterns that will give us the freedom, joy and happiness we crave.
Let go, Laugh, and Learn; My wish for you is to experience all three this week and everyday going forward.
Have a fabulous week and be sure to Share this with your friends and family. I would love to hear what happens for you this week.