More JOY, Less Stress
It’s December already and I can’t even believe that the year is coming to an end! Can you? December arrives and we tend to start with the lists of what to do, checking it a thousand times with the feeling you are running out of time. The anticipation for the holidays comes with a bit of stress and anxiety, I am certain it’s all my doing in hopes to create good memories for the family. Perhaps my attempts to create in an anxious state has made others feel that angst and overwhelm in past years too. My intention now is to create joy and less stress moving forward.
This year my children are grown and adulting in their own ways, so I have been making a conscious effort to change how to manage the stress and create more joy! We have told the family “less”is more. So focus on less running around, less stuff that is potentially returned and more close family time. We will spend the holidays with our immediate but also extended family of parents, brothers and sisters and I have shared this with them.
With the many challenges and loses this past year, I want to focus on being more present and connected with those I have the privilege of knowing and loving. I want to feel the calm, the ease of being just who we are in these precious moments. Slowing down and taking the time together that connects us is the best gift of all. Listening to each others dreams and stories, creating the laughter and joy that is remembered for decades.
Intentionally making the effort to slow down and enjoying what I have is the change I am seeking. Slowing down in a time when everything seems to speed right up. How you may ask will I do this?
First, the same thing I tell all my clients, to breath! Take the time to stop and take a deep and intentional breathe to calm down, balance and centre. Deep breath work is a calming tool everyone has access to. Simply stop, breath and slow down.
Second, meditate with my intention of creating joy in my life and to be consistent with my practice. Reminding myself of blessings and gifts I have everyday- my gratitudes.
Last to release and declutter the little things that keep finding there way into my day like emails and messages to buy or sites I haven’t spent anytime in the past 3 months or more. Giving my time to being of service and my own personal well-being. You all know what I mean, getting lost in electronics and taking responsibility not to get caught up in it! It’s part of the overwhelm and lost time.
The new year is coming so reflect on the past year and declutter as we are moving into a new decade where we can continue to find our joy.
Our lights are up which give us joy and fewer decorations out, I feel good and ready to spend December in the spirit of joy and peace for all. I am going to be intentional, slow down, breathe and find the joy in each day!
I was inspired to write this after reading a piece by Maria Shriver and her prayer which is absolutely beautiful for the month of December.
A prayer by Maria Shriver
Dear God, please help me stay calm and centred these weeks leading up to Christmas. Help me remember the spirit of this season, and not get caught up in the pressure of rushing around and buying a bunch of stuff. May I feel joy this December and remember that this time of year is a gift in itself. Amen.
Happy Holidays and love to you all,
Angel Card of the Day #58
Today our message from the Angels is Simplicity…we all can think of ways to simplify the day or life by removing one or two things or steps. Put your energy into what’s going to get you through and let go of the excess. You will feel better as soon as you release what that is for you.
In love and light,