Today, I am sharing from the Intuitive Astrology: November New Moon 2016. This New Moon energy is very exciting and know we all could grow and learn from this information. I love the New Moon practice and understanding what cycles we are in makes it even more powerful.  Astrology is aspect of intuitiveness and understanding I have great respect for.



Out of the ashes and into the light, this New Moon is going to be helping us to think bigger and open our hearts to a new wave of positive and abundant energy.

The New Moon represents the starting of a new cycle. The last New Moon fell in the watery, intuitive sign of Scorpio. In this cycle we were all encouraged by the Universe to dig deep and uncover hidden emotions in order to release them.

November brings a new cycle however, which will kick into gear on the Sagittarius New Moon, which falls on the 29th. If Scorpio energy was beckoning us to go into the darkness within, Sagittarius energy is going to be beckoning us to stretch out into the light.

We have spent enough time in the darkness and in the shadows and now it is time to re-emerge into the light and start expanding our views and opening our hearts.

November’s New Moon is going to be sending waves of energy that will allows us to see things from a higher perspective and will open our awareness to new realms and new waves of thinking.

Sagittarius energy is electric, positive and most importantly, open minded and all of this energy is going to be on offer to us if we tune into it.

The Sagittarius New Moon is also going to trigger a cycle of awakening. In many ways, we are going to feel reborn and replenished after a long and hard year of cleaning out the metaphorical closets.

2016 has been a year of endings and now we are starting to wind down with the endings so we can make way for the new.

The November New Moon is going to be supporting this cause and it is likely that new and exciting opportunities may emerge around this time, almost like the Universe is offering us a gift.

The Sagittarius New Moon is also going to shift our awareness away from what we have let go of and onto where we are now.

In fact, this New Moon energy is going to be helping us to reflect and celebrate just how far we have come and just how much we have achieved. We all deserve to honor, thank and nourish our souls for the last 11 months.
The New Moon is also going to be highlighting our creative potential to manifest and go after what it is that we really desire.

If there is something that you want to achieve, if there is something you want to change in your life, this New Moon is the perfect time to put plans into place.

This New Moon is going to support you to think bigger, to be optimistic and to focus your attention on the best possible outcome. Aim high and go big on this New Moon, because that Sagittarius arrow is going to be helping you to hit your mark.

The November New Moon is also supercharged for romance and love. If you are single, this New Moon could bring about the perfect opportunity to meet someone special.

If you are in a relationship, bonds may be strengthened or weaknesses may emerge so you can heal and strengthen them for the future.

Soulmate energy is also high around this New Moon, so it is likely that we are going to have a lot more people making Soulmate connections during this time.

On a global level, this is going to help raise the vibration surrounding love, partnership and communication.

Soulmates don’t have to just be romantic; Soulmates can be anyone that comes into your life to awaken and stir your soul.

Under the cycle of this New Moon, pay attention to people you meet or to any synchronistic messages that may be delivered, as you may just be receiving a message that your soul needs to hear.

This New Moon is also going to be amplifying intuitive and Divine energy as well. The right opportunities may line up for you, or you may receive a powerful message from the Universe or your Spirit team.

In fact, spirit energy is going to be high under this New Moon and much more accessible for those who are interested in tuning in.

On a final note, the November New Moon has a very positive and upbeat energy to it. If you have been feeling low, this New Moon may just give you the boost you have been looking for.

Embrace this energy, stay open minded, open your heart and watch what flies in. All that you have been working so hard for this year is now coming to fruition under this Moon cycle, so celebrate and enjoy it. You have earned it!



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