Angie Bell
Spiritual Medium
I BELIEVE your healing journey begins now.
In Love and Light
Your New and Empowered Life Awaits!
Sessions & Appointments
By Phone or Online
Choose between phone, Zoom, or Facebook video chat. Remote readings can be for one or two people *PLEASE NOTE – it is very important to ensure Angie is aware of additional people in the room as this can affect the intended person’s spiritual experience and change the outcome significantly.
60 Minute Session (Fee – $200 Per Person)
BOOK NOW or for more information please contact Angie.
The Perfect Sessions For YOU!
The Introductory Three
An enlightening overview from the highest perspective! Working with magnificent-life mentor, Angie Bell, and your executive team of spiritual assistance, learn to create the abundant, vital and fulfilling future you’ve imagined.
- Session 1
You've Got Company!
Meet your entourage of higher-level helpers, here to guide you in your quest for life success. You’re no longer alone.
- Session 2
Pathway to Clarity
Learn WHY you’re here. Take the first step towards discovering what’s been holding you back all this time
- Session 3
Your New Chapter
It's time to resolve those limiting beliefs & energy blocks so you can ultimately live that joyous, rewarding life you deserve.
Engage Angie for all three introductory 60-minute sessions on your preferred days/ times and save over $100 on your best-life investment of only $497. Separate sessions are $200 each.
Customize your own readings!
Select three sessions from the choices below. Focus more intently to achieve targeted results in your specific areas of concern.
Success Acceleration - Wealth Attraction
Receive intuitive business & money manifestation guidance - Identify & eliminate what stands between you & your goals
Holistic Wellness – Pain & Weight Release
You’ve tried everything to resolve your chronic health issues, yet they still persist. The otherworldly wisdom of your guides combined with Angie’s intuitive healing gifts provides the essential heart & soul medicine needed to create that healthy, pain-free life you crave.
Self- Love - Relationship Mastery - Confidence Building
When you least expect it, someone truly magnificent comes into your life and, look, it’s YOU! Enjoy enlightened guidance on how to go within to make the changes, build the self-worth that will ultimately attract the right one for you!
Powerful Self-Rediscovery – Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Release the negative energy blocks from past events and traumatic experiences and thereby open to the incredible, effortless, amazing life you desire. You know you were meant for more!
Capitalizing on Change – Taking Control of Life Transition
No matter what form it takes, loss of a loved one, divorce, personal tragedy, career move, home relocation, inevitably, change affects us all. The one thing we can control is our own reaction. Learn to not only survive, but THRIVE in the face of adversity!
Please contact Angie to arrange details or BOOK NOW
In Person
On Temporary Pause
A personal 1:1 session with Angie, Spiritual Medium, Healer and Spiritual Life Coach is life changing for her clients seeking peace, happiness and validation in their lives. You will experience a Spiritual connection and you will receive evidental personal messages from your loved ones who have passed, or guidance from your Angels and Guides for your own personal growth. In this time, you could work through emotional blocks that have been holding you back in your personal and professional lives, remove energy cords from negative events or people and for some healing a past-life event. Angie will send you home with answers and powerful tools to use on your own spiritual journey.
Sessions: 60 minutes (Fee – $200 Per Person)
BOOK NOW or for more information please contact Angie.
SUBMIT YOUR TESTIMONIAL ~ tell how you felt before and then after your experience with Angie
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Angie Bell
Spiritual Medium
I BELIEVE your healing journey begins now.