Tonight celebrate the beautiful summer Full Moon with Meditation!
The full moon comes with amazing energy and some might say a crazy energy 3 days before and 3 days after. It’s a time when emotions are raw,running high and are overwhelming. There can be a feeling that everything is bubbling up since the last full moon or forever!
The moon is something we all trust and know it will always be there and I believe spiritually we are all connected. Like the changing of the tides, we are affected by the same ebb and flow of the water in our bodies. How can it not, we are 70 percent water.
The Full Moon in my opinion and many others it is all about Forgiveness and Gratitude. This is a time were we can clear and clean our energy. A time for each of us to reflect, surrender and let go of the drama or upsets of the past month or more. Bring to mind all of this and forgive or at the very least try including forgiveness of yourself. As you do,an affirmation like the one below is to accompany your practice.
To Begin:
Find a comfortable place; light a candle,listen to the water or calming music preferable in the sight or light of the moon.
A prayer for protection and guidance like this or one that you feel connected to:
“Spirit, I ask for your divine guidance and protection during this Full Moon Ritual. May all that is done be for my highest good and the highest good for all generations to come. I give deep gratitude for the blessings you have given me in the last month including: __________. I trust that you will always take care of me, as you have done since the beginning of my existence. /Amen
Full moon is the perfect time to cleanse yourself and crystals or sacred items by re-charging in the moonlight.
There are many practices which you can follow, these are mine;
Take to the salt water as I resonate with the ocean that is in my backyard so to speak. I wash the stones in the water,giving gratitude for there beauty and work that they do for you. Place outside in the moonlight asking the moonlight to cleanse and charge. For things that are water sensitive place in the moonlight on a window sill or dry place for the moonlight to shine on.
(If you are unable to go to the water, some fill jars with water and cover with lids. Place them outside with items to gather the Moon energy. When you bring the water I store it in the fridge and you can use the water to wash your crystals, drink,or water your plants even use it for blessings.)
Meditate for for 10 minutes or longer.
Connect with your breath.
Silently ask Spirit to help you release what needs to be released at this time.
Trust what you hear, see or feel.
Continue to meditate than come out slowly.
Now journal what come forward.
Journal what it is that you need to release now that you are in a good space and your intuition is centred and peaceful. Ask yourself what no longer serves you in your life, be it a daily habit, old beliefs of value and abundance or negative word of self-talk or clutter.
On individual slips of paper begin to write down what you want to release at this time.
Get the fire, or your bowl to burn the paper, ready.
Say the following prayer/affirmation until you feel yourself smiling:
“For my highest good and for the highest good of all, I release all that no longer serves me. I release clutter, negative words and people, and all things that hold me back from all the love, joy, good health, abundance, prosperity, and peace that I came into this life with. These things are my birthrite and I claim them all now.”
It is now time to release.
Take each piece of paper and read it out loud before putting it into the fire or lighting a match to it.(Visualizing this will also work if unable do the fire ritual)
After you read each item out loud, say
“You no longer serve my highest good. Be gone once and for all. I am done with you.”
Be bold and affirming when you say this each time.
The Universe reads energy better than words, so feel and speak with conviction how truly done you are with each of these things in your life. Jump up and down, do a dance or wave goodbye to each of the items you burn.
After all of your items have been burned, offer gratitude: “Thank you, Spirit, for how these things have served me until this point in my life. Thank you for removing these things that no longer serve me. And so it is. It is done. /Amen.
May you all have a soulful release this Full Moon,
In love and light,