ArchAngel Gabriel Oracle cards are one of my newest decks and I have pulled 3 cards asking: “what is your message to us for the next week?” ArchAngel Gabrielle is the Angel of Communication so lets see what she has to say…
Vulnerability~ Allow Yourself to Receive ~ Success!
The card of Vulnerability expresses we are safe in our feelings as there is great wisdom and inspiration by listening to ourselves. Being vulnerability is allowing your creative side to come out and explore without judgement however keep your focus on your priorities. Moving into the middle card Allow Yourself to Receiving means there are some of you that are needing to hear this message again. Open your heart and arms to allow those gifts to come your way, you have worked hard and you will be receiving acknowledgement and rewards. It seems if you are open, listening and receiving while keeping focused you will find success that will exceed your expectations. Congratulations!
In Love and Light,