Archangel Haniel - Intuitive

Good Morning!

It’s TWO CARD Thursday because it was no card Wednesday ?

The Moon card indicates a time of powerful intuition and psychic ability and the Page of Water also tells of a heightened psychic awareness . Reading them together today tells us to embrace your intuitive-self  to help overcome blocks that are holding you back. The greatest part is you will find clear insights about yourself which will help release fears that no longer belong to you.  Releasing can be as easy as asking yourself where does this fear stem from and listen closely to you intuition.  Ask where is the source of your anxiety is coming from and again trust what your gut is telling you.  Releasing allows a new friendship or romance, a current relationship to move to a new phase.   Both cards say to be very mindful of your dreams as they will guide you!

Sweet dreams all,

Angie ❤️



Pay attention to your dreams and imagination






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