Hello my Friends,

I have been off the newsletter for awhile; life happens and you know the saying, “something has to give” which was my newsletter until today!

You can find my posts DAILY Oracle Messages and Guidance on Facebook page or Instagram and Facebook Lives which I am working on more!  I LOVE when you comment, so please keep those coming.

March is a big month, it is the beginning of spring with new opportunities and ideas starting to flooding in. It’s time to plan, to start fresh and clear the clutter getting ready for the longer days ahead.  I have been blessed to live in a place where we are seeing the snowdrops and crocus blooming with the daffodils following closely behind.  I love to garden and have been planning for this years planting with dreams of beautiful flowers, fruits and vegetables growing abundantly in the back yard.  This spring has also had me planning for what I could share with you.  

I have created a series of blogs about the Intuitive Tools I use to connect with myself, Spirits, my Spirit Guides and Angels.  Each day I am so blessed to communicated and receive messages and guidance. It is wonderful knowing that we are not alone and our Spirit/Soul never dies, we are eternal beings having this human experience.  It’s true what I do might seem incredible to some but my belief has always been that we are all gifted and can connect to our higher-self with just a little guidance and practice.  


3 Things They Don’t Tell You About Meditation

#1 What they don’t tell you is that it is HARD to quiet a busy mind and after a few attempts you say want to say to heck with it! 

You have likely heard or been told over the years that you to need to quiet your mind, clear it so to get the whole experience.  Meanwhile, you are making your grocery list, mentally picking up the kids, doing your taxes and creating the next weeks to-do list and it goes on and on.  Just know that we have like 60-80, 000 thoughts flying though our minds every day so it is unrealistic to think you can totally quiet the mind the first try or ten.  The  #1 key to meditation is your BREATHE, and by listening to your breathe it will allow you to find that moment of calm and peace.  Try for only a minute take a deep breath and just notice the air flowing in and out like a wave on the beach.  Taking a few moments each day to do breathe work, its a form of meditation, a small one but it can bring you back to center and starts a practice to build on. 

 #2 What they don’t tell you is that meditation can be done anywhere at anytime.

Meditation is best when you can carve out 30 minutes or more to start your day but that is not always possible.  A meditation can be 10 minutes or even 30 seconds, there is no hard rules to this practice but the longer you give to practicing meditation the more you will benefit from the residual benefits. The benefits learning to trust your own intuition and feelings, to connecting to your own Spirit Guides and Angels.  Meditation can be sitting quietly and repeating a centering word or phrase in sanskit or it can be painting or gardening or taking a run or walking the beach. When your mind is clear and distracted by a joyful activity it allows your higher self to be open to receiving.  Meditation can help us find the answers we seek from others and really they are right there with us. 

#3 What they don’t tell you is that meditation is a simple practice and can change your life. 

When learning anything new and a little out our comfort zone it feels awkward and even weird to do.  Like when we first started to walk it was foreign and we would fall down often but would find our way up again. Meditation is similar, once you get the hang of it you will want to keep going. Our breathe connects us to our bodies, mind and higher-self; in these moments we dissolve whatever happened before that moment and whatever is going to happen after this moment by just finding space, closing our eyes and sitting tall while noticing our audible breath. Some may need to start with a mantra ” I choose to let go”  or ” so hum” .  Now is a time to listen to your body and honour what you may feel physically, emotionally or intuitively in the present moment.    I encourage you to start your practice, all it needs is a bit of time, an open mind and open heart.    love, light and gratitude, Angie                                                                                          


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